In a bid to safeguard consumers from substantial increases in their water bills, Sarah Green MP has made an urgent appeal to the industry regulator, Ofwat. The Chesham and Amersham representative is determined to prevent Thames Water from implementing significant price hikes that could strain household finances.

Call for Regulatory Intervention

Sarah Green Mp Says Ofwat Must Block Thames Water Price Hikes


Sarah Green MP has expressed her concerns about the potential implications of substantial water bill increases on her constituents and households across the country. She believes that the proposed price hikes by Thames Water are unreasonable, especially during a time when many families are grappling with the rising cost of living.

"This is not just about affordability; it is about fairness," Green stated. "Water is an essential service, and it's critical that it remains accessible to everyone without causing undue financial hardship."

The MP has called upon Ofwat to exercise its regulatory authority to halt these proposed increases. By doing so, she hopes to protect consumers from bearing the brunt of the costs that may arise from the water company's operational challenges or financial mismanagement.

Implications for Consumers

If the proposed price hikes are allowed to proceed, many households could see a significant rise in their annual water bills. This comes at a time when other utility costs, such as electricity and gas, are also on the rise. The cumulative effect of these increases could push more families into financial distress.

Green emphasised the need for a balanced approach that considers both the operational needs of water companies and the financial well-being of consumers. She pointed out that while infrastructure investments and maintenance are crucial, they should not come at an exorbitant cost to customers.

A Broader Issue: Holding Water Companies Accountable

Green's appeal to Ofwat also highlights a broader issue regarding the accountability of water companies. There have been growing concerns about the transparency and efficiency of these utilities in managing their resources and operations. High executive salaries, shareholder dividends, and reported inefficiencies have fueled public discontent.

"It is high time that water companies operate with greater transparency and accountability," Green added. "Consumers deserve to know how their money is being spent and ensure they are not footing the bill for corporate mismanagement."

The Role of Ofwat

Ofwat, as the regulator for the water sector in England and Wales, plays a crucial role in overseeing water companies' activities and protecting consumer interests. The agency is tasked with ensuring that water companies provide good quality service at a fair price. Sarah Green's call to action is aimed at reinforcing this mandate and ensuring that Ofwat takes a firm stance against unjustifiable price hikes.

The coming weeks will be pivotal as Ofwat reviews Thames Water's pricing proposals. The outcome will not only affect Thames Water customers but could also set a precedent for other water companies considering similar measures.


As families continue to navigate economic uncertainties, the need for fair and affordable water services has never been more critical. Sarah Green MP's advocacy for blocking Thames Water's proposed price hikes serves as a reminder of the ongoing struggle to balance the needs of essential service providers with the financial realities faced by everyday consumers. All eyes are now on Ofwat to see whether it will heed this call for intervention and protect the interests of water users across the region.