The future of Buckingham is in your hands, and now is the time to make your voice heard. The Buckingham Town Council is calling on all residents and stakeholders to participate in the Buckingham Neighbourhood Development Plan Regulation 14 Consultation. This pivotal consultation aims to shape the future development of our vibrant town until 2024, ensuring that growth happens in a responsible and structured manner.

A Blueprint for Buckingham's Future

Shape The Future Of Buckingham Neighbourhood Development Plan Consultation


The Buckingham Neighbourhood Development Plan (BNDP) is more than just a set of guidelines—it's a legally enforceable document that will dictate how our town evolves over the coming years. Focused exclusively on the needs and aspirations of Buckingham, the BNDP allows for planned development that adheres to specific locations and design codes approved by local residents.

Originally established in 2015, the plan is now undergoing its first comprehensive review. This review aims to update the plan to reflect current priorities and to address any new challenges or opportunities that have emerged since its initial inception.

Why Your Participation Matters

Your input is invaluable in this process. As residents and stakeholders, you have firsthand knowledge of the needs and intricacies of our community. The Regulation 14 Consultation offers a unique opportunity to contribute to a document that will shape Buckingham's landscape, infrastructure, and community resources until 2024.

Whether you are concerned about housing, environmental sustainability, transportation, or recreational facilities, this is your chance to make a lasting impact. The BNDP is designed to incorporate the collective vision of those who live and work here, making it a true reflection of community values and priorities.

The Consultation Process

The Regulation 14 Consultation is an inclusive process open to all residents and stakeholders. It involves a series of public meetings, surveys, and feedback sessions designed to gather a wide range of opinions and suggestions.

The consultation period is designed to be thorough and accommodating, ensuring that everyone has a chance to participate. Public meetings will be scheduled at various times and locations to maximise accessibility, and online platforms will be available for those who prefer to contribute digitally.

Shaping a Vibrant, Sustainable Buckingham

The goal of this comprehensive review is to ensure that the BNDP remains a dynamic tool for shaping Buckingham's future. By participating in the consultation, you are helping to create a town that is not only vibrant and sustainable but also reflective of our shared values and aspirations.

In conclusion, the Buckingham Neighbourhood Development Plan Regulation 14 Consultation is a critical opportunity for you to influence the future development of our beloved town. Your input will help ensure that Buckingham continues to grow in a planned and sustainable manner, adhering to the priorities and codes that you help establish. Don’t miss this chance to shape the future of Buckingham—your town, your future.

Make your voice heard. Participate in the consultation today and contribute to a brighter, more vibrant Buckingham.