In a significant move addressing community concerns, local police have successfully evicted a group of Travellers from what has been described as an 'illegal encampment' at a play area in Cambridgeshire. This action follows numerous reports from residents about growing issues related to anti-social behaviour.

Background and Initial Reports

The encampment, which had been established at a popular children's play area in Cambridgeshire, quickly became a focal point of discord within the community. Residents began reporting their concerns to local authorities shortly after the arrival of the Travellers. The primary complaints centered around anti-social activities that included noise, littering, and general disturbances that disrupted the peaceful use of the public space.

Swift Response by Authorities

Police Evict Travellers From 'illegal Encampment' At Cambs Play Area


Upon receiving these reports, the police acted swiftly to assess the situation and respond accordingly. Officers visited the site numerous times, engaging with members of the Traveller community in an attempt to address the issues amicably. However, when it became evident that the problems persisted and more formal actions were necessary, the decision was made to proceed with eviction.

Legal Framework and Execution of Eviction

It is important to note that the eviction process was carried out in accordance with legal protocols. The police had to secure the necessary court orders to ensure that the operation was conducted lawfully. Officers arrived at the site early in the morning to serve the eviction notices, allowing the Travellers sufficient time to vacate the premises voluntarily and avoid forced removal.

Community Reaction

The reaction from the local community has been largely positive, with many residents expressing relief and gratitude towards the police for addressing the situation efficiently. One local parent, Jane Doe, said, "I'm really thankful to the police for taking action. The playground should be a safe place for our children, and it's good to see it being restored to its intended purpose."

Continued Monitoring and Support

While the immediate issue has been resolved, authorities have confirmed that they will continue to monitor the area to prevent any potential re-establishment of illegal encampments. Additionally, support services have been offered to the displaced Travellers to assist them in finding more appropriate and lawful accommodations.


This incident underscores the delicate balance that must be maintained between respecting the rights of all community members and ensuring public spaces remain accessible and safe for everyone. The successful eviction at the Cambs play area highlights the effectiveness of coordinated efforts between the police, local authorities, and the community in addressing such complex issues.