In an effort to maintain order and improve the experience for all visitors, the Benidorm local authorities have announced a crackdown following an influx of complaints from holidaymakers. The move comes as part of a broader initiative to enhance the city's image as a family-friendly destination.

New Fines Target Specific Tourist Misconduct

Tourists Could Be Fined £425 In Benidorm If They Do This One Thing


Effective immediately, tourists in Benidorm could face fines of up to £425 for engaging in certain rowdy behaviors. This new regulation is a direct response to persistent issues reported by both visitors and local residents. The offenses include public drunkenness, disorderly conduct, and other actions that disrupt the peace and tranquility of this popular coastal town.

Authorities have pinpointed specific hotspots where such disturbances are most frequent, and they plan to intensify surveillance in these areas. Patrols will be increased, and officers will be equipped to issue on-the-spot fines to offenders. Repeat violators may face even stiffer penalties or legal action.

Complaints from Holidaymakers Spur Action

The decision to enforce these regulations more strictly comes after numerous complaints from tourists who have had their vacations marred by the unruly behavior of others. Incidents such as loud, late-night parties in residential areas and inappropriate behavior in public spaces have prompted the local government to take decisive action.

One frequent visitor described their last trip as “a nightmare,” being kept awake by rowdy groups until the early hours of the morning. This sentiment is echoed by many, who feel that such behavior detracts from the overall enjoyment and safety of their stay in Benidorm.

Ensuring a Positive Experience for All Visitors

Benidorm's authorities are committed to fostering a safe and welcoming environment for everyone. By imposing these fines, they hope to deter disruptive behavior and ensure that all tourists can enjoy the beautiful beaches, vibrant nightlife, and rich cultural experiences the city has to offer without undue disturbance.

Local businesses and tourism operators have expressed their support for the initiative, recognising that the long-term benefits of maintaining Benidorm's reputation far outweigh the inconvenience caused by a minority of misbehaving individuals.


While the new fines may seem steep, they reflect the city's dedication to upholding high standards of conduct for the benefit of all its visitors. Tourists planning a trip to Benidorm are encouraged to respect local rules and enjoy their stay responsibly, ensuring a pleasant experience for themselves and others.