The latter weeks of June brought a much-awaited spell of settled weather to most southern parts of the UK. Thanks to a high-pressure system pushing up from the Azores, temperatures soared into the mid to high 20s Celsius as we entered the last week of the month. With great optimism, I set out to add more newly emerging butterflies to this year’s sightings.

Explorations at Lydling Farm

Birdwatcher’s Diary No.307Source:

Skylark, Lydling Farm.

My journey began at Lydling Farm in Shackleford, where I was welcomed by the delightful sounds of skylarks around the fields. A few stonechats made an appearance, perching in a wheat field.

Stonechat in wheat field, Lydling Farm.

The early summer dearth of common species of butterflies continued. However, I did find a newly emerging large skipper butterfly during my walk.