The newly re-elected MP for Mid Buckinghamshire, Greg Smith, has unveiled a comprehensive set of pledges focusing on crucial issues such as the protection of Green Belt land, healthcare services at Wycombe Hospital, and the controversial High Speed 2 (HS2) project. These initiatives are designed to address some of the most pressing concerns of his constituents.

Defending the Green Belt

Greg Smith has expressed significant concern over the government's housing plans and their potential impact on Green Belt land. As housing demands continue to rise, the threat to these protected areas intensifies. Smith is determined to prevent any encroachment that could compromise the integrity of the Green Belt, emphasising its importance for both environmental and recreational purposes. He advocates for sustainable housing solutions that do not sacrifice these vital green spaces.

Wycombe Hospital: Prioritising Healthcare Services

Bucks Mp Concerned With Government's Housing Plans Impact On Green Belt Land


In addition to his environmental commitments, Smith is also prioritising healthcare within the constituency. The future of Wycombe Hospital has been a contentious issue, with many residents fearing cuts to essential services. Smith has pledged to work tirelessly to ensure that Wycombe Hospital remains fully operational and continues to provide high-quality care to its patients. His aim is to bolster healthcare infrastructure and ensure that local residents have access to comprehensive medical services without undue travel.

Addressing HS2 Concerns

The HS2 project remains a polarising topic among Mid Buckinghamshire residents. While some see it as a necessary step towards modernising the UK's rail network, others are concerned about its environmental impact and the disruption it might cause. Greg Smith stands firm in his commitment to mitigating the adverse effects of this project. He is dedicated to holding HS2 accountable for minimising environmental damage and ensuring that the interests of local communities are safeguarded throughout the construction process.

Holistic Approach to Constituency Issues

Greg Smith's agenda goes beyond the Green Belt, healthcare, and HS2. He aims to address a wide array of issues that affect the day-to-day lives of his constituents. This includes improving local transport links, supporting small businesses, and enhancing educational facilities. Smith believes in a holistic approach to governance, where the needs and well-being of residents are at the forefront of every decision.


As Greg Smith embarks on his new term as MP for Mid Buckinghamshire, his dedication to protecting the Green Belt, ensuring robust healthcare services, and addressing the complexities of the HS2 project demonstrates a strong commitment to his constituency. Residents can look forward to proactive and attentive representation, with Smith aiming to strike a balance between development and preservation, progress and sustainability.