The proposal for a new adult gaming centre in New Cambridgeshire has sparked significant controversy and debate, as local officials and residents grapple with concerns over potential increases in anti-social behaviour and crime. The application for a bingo license, submitted by the centre, has encountered staunch opposition from law enforcement agencies who argue that the establishment could lead to a deterioration of community safety.

Police Concerns Over Crime and Safety

The local police force did not mince words in their objection to the gaming centre's application. Officers expressed apprehension that the venue could become a magnet for criminal activities, compounding issues already faced by the community. The rise of gambling-related incidents, including a spike in anti-social behaviour linked to excessive gaming, has raised alarms among law enforcement officials who are tasked with ensuring public safety.

Superintendent Jane Morris, the spokesperson for the police department, stated, "We have serious concerns that this gaming centre could lead to an increase in crime rates in our area. There are numerous studies indicating a correlation between establishments that encourage gambling and rising incidents of anti-social behaviour. We believe that allowing this gaming centre to operate would pose risks that outweigh any potential economic benefits."

The Community Reacts

Local residents have echoed the police's sentiments, voicing fears that the gaming centre could undermine the family-friendly atmosphere they cherish in New Cambridgeshire. Community members have mobilised, attending council meetings, and launching petitions to express their opposition to the proposed bingo facility. Many have shared personal stories about the negative impacts gambling addiction can have on individuals and families.

"I moved here for the peace and quiet," said resident Margaret Hughes. "Adding a gaming centre to our town will just invite trouble. We don't want to see more people falling prey to gambling addictions or facing issues like theft and harassment. It's not the kind of place we want to be."

The Economic Argument

New Cambridgeshire 'adult Gaming Centre' Applies For Bingo Licence


Proponents of the adult gaming centre argue that it could serve as a significant economic boon for New Cambridgeshire, creating jobs and increasing foot traffic in the area. They assert that the bingo hall would not merely be a gaming venue, but rather a social space for individuals seeking leisure and entertainment—a point that could stimulate local businesses.

James Thompson, a spokesperson for the gaming centre, countered the police's claims by stating, “We are committed to creating a safe and enjoyable environment for our patrons. We will implement strict measures to manage responsible gaming and ensure our facility complements rather than disrupts the existing community.”

While some residents remain open to the economic opportunities that the gaming centre might present, the overarching concern remains focused on safeguarding the community's welfare.

The Decision Ahead

As the council prepares to deliberate on the licensing application, the future of the proposed adult gaming centre hangs in the balance. Officials will need to weigh the potential economic benefits against the legitimate safety concerns raised by police and community members alike.

For now, New Cambridgeshire finds itself at a crossroads—caught between the allure of economic development and the pressing need for community safety. However, one thing is clear: the voices of citizens will play a vital role in shaping the outcome of this contentious issue.

A decision is expected in the coming weeks, and all eyes will be on the council as they navigate this complex dilemma. Whether the bingo hall will open its doors, or whether the police’s warnings will prevail, remains uncertain—but it is evident that the stakes are high for everyone involved.