As the United Kingdom approaches the General Election of 2024, voters in Cambridgeshire are focused on several pressing issues that will influence their choices at the ballot box. From the impact of Brexit to local infrastructure and public services, residents are vocal about what they believe should be the priorities for the next government.

The Lingering Shadows of Brexit

General Election 2024 Most Important Issues For Cambridgeshire Voters


Brexit continues to stir strong emotions among Cambridgeshire voters. A recent survey indicates that nearly 60 percent of locals feel that life has worsened since the UK left the European Union. This sentiment is echoed across various demographics, suggesting a significant level of dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs.

Economic instability, changes in trade relationships, and the overall uncertainty post-Brexit have been cited as primary concerns. These issues have permeated daily life, from the cost of living to the availability of goods and services. The promised benefits of Brexit have not materialised for many, leading to a sense of disillusionment and frustration.

Local Infrastructure: A Growing Concern

Another major issue for Cambridgeshire voters is the state of local infrastructure. With rapid population growth, the demand for improved transport links, better roads, and enhanced public transport services has never been higher. Residents are calling for urgent action to address traffic congestion and to improve the reliability and frequency of public transportation.

Moreover, the need for sustainable development is becoming increasingly pressing. Voters are advocating for greener solutions and investments in renewable energy sources to ensure that future growth does not come at the expense of the environment.

The Strain on Public Services

Public services, particularly healthcare and education, are also at the forefront of voters' minds. The National Health Service (NHS) is under significant strain, with long waiting times and overworked staff becoming commonplace issues. Cambridgeshire residents are demanding increased funding for the NHS and better support for healthcare professionals to ensure that quality care is accessible to all.

In education, there are calls for more resources to be allocated to schools to address overcrowding and to provide students with the tools they need for academic success. Teachers in the region are voicing their concerns over insufficient funding and support, which they believe is hindering their ability to deliver high-quality education.

Economic Growth and Employment

Economic growth and employment opportunities also rank high on the list of voter concerns. Cambridgeshire's economy has been resilient, but the effects of Brexit and global economic uncertainties pose potential risks. Voters are looking for policies that will stimulate job creation, support local businesses, and foster innovation.

There is a particular emphasis on nurturing the tech and biotech sectors, which have become significant contributors to the region's economic landscape. Support for these industries is seen as vital to maintaining Cambridgeshire's competitive edge and ensuring long-term economic prosperity.

The Environmental Agenda

Environmental issues are gaining momentum as a critical concern. Voters are increasingly aware of the need for robust climate policies and initiatives to protect natural habitats and reduce carbon emissions. The push for sustainable practices is not just a local issue but one that aligns with broader global efforts to combat climate change.

Local campaigns focusing on waste reduction, recycling, and conservation efforts are garnering support, highlighting the community's commitment to environmental stewardship.


As the General Election of 2024 approaches, Cambridgeshire voters are clear about their priorities. The lingering impact of Brexit, the demand for better infrastructure and public services, economic growth, and environmental sustainability are at the forefront of the political agenda. Candidates and parties seeking to win the hearts and votes of Cambridgeshire residents must address these concerns head-on, offering tangible solutions and a vision for a brighter future.

Ultimately, the election presents an opportunity for voters to shape the direction of their region and the country, ensuring that their voices are heard and their needs are met.