In a shocking incident that has raised concerns about road safety and responsible drinking, a woman in Cambridgeshire was apprehended after crashing her car outside a Co-op store while being three times over the legal alcohol limit. The quick-thinking actions of the Co-op staff prevented what could have been a far more tragic outcome.

Incident Overview

The alarming event took place on [insert date] when the woman, whose identity has not been disclosed for legal reasons, lost control of her vehicle and crashed just outside a popular Co-op store in Cambs. Eyewitnesses report that the crash drew immediate attention from bystanders and store staff, who rushed to the scene to offer assistance.

According to local authorities, the woman had already consumed a significant amount of alcohol before the crash. The subsequent breathalyser test indicated she had a blood alcohol content (BAC) that was three times the legal limit, making her severely impaired and unfit to drive.

Averting Further Disaster: The Role of Co-op Staff

Cambs Drink Driver Crashed Outside Co Op While Three Times Over The Limit


In a commendable display of vigilance and responsibility, Co-op staff members played an instrumental role in preventing the situation from escalating. Reports indicate that after the crash, the woman exited her damaged vehicle and headed into the store. Astonishingly, she proceeded to purchase a bottle of wine and a bottle of vodka, seemingly intending to continue drinking.

Recognising the potential danger, the store's employees swiftly intervened. They approached the woman as she attempted to return to her vehicle to presumably fix the damage and leave the scene. The staff managed to confiscate her keys, effectively preventing her from driving away and possibly causing further accidents.

Legal Consequences

The prompt intervention by the Co-op staff allowed sufficient time for local law enforcement officers to arrive and detain the woman. She now faces multiple charges, including driving under the influence (DUI), endangering public safety, and potentially other related offenses. Authorities have praised the actions of the Co-op employees, noting that their quick thinking likely saved lives.

Community Response

The incident has sparked a wave of reactions from the local community, ranging from shock and outrage to relief and gratitude. Many residents are calling for stricter DUI laws and enhanced measures to ensure such incidents do not recur. There is a growing sentiment that community vigilance and proactive measures can play a crucial role in enhancing public safety.

A spokesperson for the Co-op chain expressed their pride in the actions of the staff, stating, "Our team demonstrated exceptional courage and presence of mind in a difficult situation. Their actions exemplify our commitment to the safety and well-being of our customers and the broader community."


This incident serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of drunk driving and the importance of responsible alcohol consumption. It also highlights the critical role that individuals and communities can play in preventing potential tragedies. As the legal proceedings continue, one thing remains clear: the quick reaction of Co-op employees averted what could have been a catastrophic event.