In a heartfelt plea, a disabled woman has urged Buckinghamshire Council to relocate her to a more suitable property. Stranded in council housing in a remote village with virtually no public transport, she finds herself increasingly isolated and cut off from essential services and social interactions.

Life in Isolation

Living in a quaint village may sound idyllic to many, but for those without access to reliable transportation, it can be a harrowing experience. A disabled woman, who wishes to remain anonymous, currently resides in such a setting. The lack of public transport has left her confined to her home, making day-to-day activities daunting and social engagements nearly impossible.

"I feel utterly isolated here," she said. "I rely heavily on public transportation, and the services in this village are almost non-existent. It’s as if I am trapped in my own home."

Challenges of Rural Living

The woman’s current living situation poses numerous challenges. Without adequate transportation, even routine tasks like grocery shopping or attending medical appointments can become insurmountable hurdles. This isolation is not only physically taxing but also has severe implications for her mental well-being.

"Living here has taken a toll on my mental health," she explained. "Simple things that others take for granted end up consuming all my energy and resources."

The Call to Buckinghamshire Council

'isolated' Disabled Woman Urges Bucks Council To Find Her New Housing


Desperate for a change, the woman has appealed to Buckinghamshire Council for assistance. She needs to be moved to a location better suited to her needs – a place with accessible public transport and closer proximity to essential services and community support networks.

"I am pleading with the council to understand the gravity of my situation. It's not just inconvenient; it's unsustainable and affecting my quality of life significantly," she emphasised.

Community and Support

Her appeal has not gone unnoticed. Local advocacy groups and concerned citizens have rallied around her cause, calling for swift action from Buckinghamshire Council. They argue that individuals with disabilities deserve to live in environments that support their independence and well-being.

One local advocate commented, "This situation underscores the crucial need for accessible and inclusive housing solutions. No one should have to live in isolation due to circumstances beyond their control."

The Council’s Responsibility

Buckinghamshire Council has a duty of care to its residents, particularly those who are vulnerable and in need of additional support. While the council has acknowledged the receipt of the woman's request, it remains to be seen whether they will expedite the process to find her a more suitable home.

The council spokesperson stated, "We are aware of the situation and are currently reviewing her case. Our goal is to ensure that all residents have access to safe and convenient housing."

Hope for the Future

As she awaits a response from the council, the woman remains hopeful. "I am optimistic that the council will act swiftly. A more suitable living arrangement would drastically improve my quality of life."

Her story serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of accessible housing and the profound impact it can have on the lives of those with disabilities. It is an urgent call to action for authorities to prioritise the needs of their most vulnerable residents.

In conclusion, addressing the housing concerns of disabled individuals in remote areas is not just a matter of convenience but a fundamental issue of human rights and dignity. Buckinghamshire Council has an opportunity to make a significant difference in this woman's life, and hopefully, they will rise to the occasion.