In the latest effort to provide financial support for older adults, the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has published an extensive list of health conditions that may qualify individuals for Attendance Allowance. With nearly 1.6 million older people already benefiting from this additional financial aid, there is hope that many more will be able to receive up to £108 per week to help manage their daily living needs.

Understanding Attendance Allowance

Attendance Allowance is a non-means-tested benefit designed to support individuals over State Pension age who have a disability or long-term health condition that requires help with personal care. The allowance is aimed at ensuring that those who need assistance can live as independently as possible. The payments are provided at two different rates: the lower rate of £68.10 per week and the higher rate of £108.25 per week, depending on the severity and frequency of the care required.

The Comprehensive List of Qualifying Conditions

The DWP has identified 50 specific health conditions that may qualify individuals for Attendance Allowance. These conditions range from physical disabilities to mental health issues. Here are some examples from the list:

  • Arthritis
  • Blindness
  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
  • Dementia
  • Diabetes
  • Heart Disease
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Parkinson's Disease
  • Stroke

This list is not exhaustive, and it's crucial for individuals to consult with their healthcare providers and review the detailed criteria provided by the DWP to determine eligibility.

How to Apply for Attendance Allowance

Wp Publishes 50 Health Conditions That Could Qualify You For Up To 108 A Week


Applying for Attendance Allowance involves completing a detailed application form, which captures information about the applicant's health condition, the impact on their daily life, and any care they require. Supporting documents, such as medical reports or a letter from a physician, should be included to substantiate the claim. Applications can be submitted by post or online through the DWP's website.

Why This Support Matters

The financial support provided through Attendance Allowance can make a significant difference in the quality of life for older adults. It can help cover the costs of personal care, mobility aids, or home adaptations, reducing the financial burden on families and caregivers. For many, it represents a lifeline, allowing them to remain in their homes and communities rather than moving into residential care.

Moreover, awareness of these benefits is essential, as many eligible individuals may not realise they qualify for such support. By publicising the list and the process of application, we can help ensure that those in need receive the assistance they deserve.

If you or someone you know could benefit from Attendance Allowance, do not hesitate to explore this opportunity. Contact the DWP or visit their website for more detailed information and guidance on how to apply.