The former Woolworths building in Huntingdon town centre, long considered a key site for redevelopment, remains in the spotlight as plans for its refurbishment were recently rejected by councillors. Despite the collective urgency and desire to breathe new life into the derelict space, the proposal faced significant setbacks due to numerous errors and missing information.

Crying Out for Redevelopment

Members of the Huntingdonshire District Council voiced their shared disappointment during a recent council meeting, emphasising the critical need for quality redevelopment of the prominent location. Councillors highlighted that the former Woolworths site, sitting idle for years, is an eyesore and expressed the community’s eagerness to see it transformed.

Council Member Jane Smith remarked, “This building is crying out for redevelopment. The people of Huntingdon deserve a thriving town centre, and this site has tremendous potential. We all want to see positive changes, but the plans submitted were simply not up to standard.”

Poor Plans and Missing Information

Disappointment Shared At ‘very Poor’ Plans To Redevelop Former Town Centre Woolworths


The submitted redevelopment plan fell short on several fronts, ultimately leading to its rejection. Key issues cited by the council included significant errors in architectural designs, incomplete documentation, and lack of compliance with local planning regulations. Crucially, the plans lacked detailed environmental assessments and logistical blueprints, raising concerns about the feasibility and impact of the proposed redevelopment.

Council Member Tom Harris stated, “The plans were very poor in terms of detail and accuracy. As much as we wish to push forward with revamping this important site, we cannot proceed on such flimsy grounds. It's essential for any proposal to be thorough and well thought out, considering all aspects from environmental impact to architectural integrity.”

The Way Forward

Despite the setback, the council remains optimistic about future prospects for the site. The decision to reject the flawed proposal serves as a call to arms for developers to present more robust and comprehensive plans. There is a clear consensus among councillors that the former Woolworths site presents an opportunity to enhance Huntingdon’s town centre and benefit the community at large.

Councillor Sarah Johnson concluded, “We are not giving up on this site. We urge developers to take this feedback seriously and come back with proposals that meet the high standards our town deserves. This is a valuable piece of our town’s fabric, and we owe it to our residents to ensure any redevelopment is done right.”

Community Involvement

Looking ahead, the council has invited community members to participate in discussions about the future of the site. Public forums and consultations will be scheduled to gather insights and suggestions from residents, ensuring that any redevelopment aligns with the town's needs and aspirations. Engaging the community is seen as a pivotal step towards achieving a successful and inclusive redevelopment project.

As Huntingdon awaits new proposals, the hope is that future plans will reflect greater attention to detail, compliance with regulatory standards, and a commitment to fostering a vibrant town centre.