The outcomes of the 2024 General Election could bring significant changes to the education sector in the UK. With Labour making bold promises from free breakfasts to hiring thousands of new teachers, the future landscape of our schools may be on the brink of a transformative shift.

Labour's Vision for Education

General Election 2024 What Could Change For Teachers And Schools Under A Labour Government


The Labour party has long been an advocate for public education reform. In their latest manifesto, they spell out ambitious plans designed to support students, educators, and the broader community. Here are some key ways Labour intends to transform the educational landscape.

Free Breakfasts for All Students

One of Labour’s standout pledges is the provision of free breakfasts for all students. Recognising that nutrition plays a critical role in learning, Labour aims to ensure that every child begins their day with a healthy meal, removing barriers for students who might otherwise start the school day hungry. This initiative not only supports student health but also aims to improve concentration and academic performance.

Recruitment of Thousands of New Teachers

Another major promise is the recruitment of thousands of new teachers. Labour has acknowledged the current strain on teachers, with large class sizes and heavy workloads being a persistent issue. By increasing the number of teaching professionals, Labour hopes to reduce class sizes, provide more personalised attention to students, and alleviate the pressure on existing teachers. This move is expected to enhance the overall quality of education and make the profession more attractive to prospective educators.

Enhancing Teacher Training and Professional Development

Improving teacher training is another cornerstone of Labour's education strategy. They plan to invest significantly in professional development programs to ensure that teachers have access to the latest educational resources and methodologies. Emphasising continuous improvement, Labour envisions a system where teachers receive regular, high-quality training, helping them adapt to new challenges and innovations in education.

Addressing Mental Health in Schools

Recognising the growing importance of mental health, Labour has proposed integrating mental health support within the school environment. By providing mental health resources and training for school staff, Labour aims to create a supportive atmosphere that addresses the emotional and psychological well-being of both students and teachers. The inclusion of dedicated mental health professionals within schools is also a key element of this plan.

Impact on School Infrastructure and Resources

In addition to these educational reforms, Labour plans to address the physical state of school infrastructure. Many schools across the country are in dire need of repair and modernisation. Labour's commitment includes substantial funding to refurbish existing school buildings and construct new ones to accommodate growing student populations.

Technological Advancements in Classrooms

Labour also aims to bridge the digital divide by ensuring that all schools are equipped with modern technology. This includes providing updated computers, high-speed internet access, and advanced learning tools. Such investments are intended to prepare students for a rapidly evolving digital world, fostering skills that are essential for future success.


The 2024 General Election presents a pivotal moment for the future of education in the UK. With Labour's comprehensive and forward-thinking proposals, the potential changes for teachers and schools are profound. From free breakfasts and additional teachers to enhanced mental health support and improved infrastructure, Labour's vision is one of holistic transformation. As the electorate heads to the polls, the promise of a revitalised and equitable education system under Labour's leadership could become a driving force for change.