The fate of the proposed Marlow Film Studios has stirred considerable debate following the Labour Party's announcement to repurpose Greenbelt land. The planned re-designation has triggered concerns and sparked fierce opposition from many quarters, including Conservative MP Joy Morrissey.

A Contested Vision for the Greenbelt

Will Marlow Film Studios Go Ahead Under A Labour Government


Labour's proposition to reclassify portions of Greenbelt land has been branded by Joy Morrissey MP as "an extraordinary attack". She argues that such a move could lead to significant repercussions, including potential reconsideration of the Marlow Film Studios project.

The Implications of Re-Designating Greenbelt Land

Greenbelt land, traditionally protected to prevent urban sprawl and maintain green spaces around cities, is seen by many as sacrosanct. Labour's suggestion to re-designate these areas has raised alarm bells among environmentalists, local communities, and politicians alike. Morrissey’s denunciation reflects broader apprehensions about the long-term impact on the environment and local ecosystems.

Marlow Film Studios: A Boon or a Bane?

Marlow Film Studios, envisioned as a state-of-the-art facility for film production, promises economic benefits, job creation, and increased cultural presence. However, its development on Greenbelt land poses a contentious issue. Supporters argue that the studio would bring much-needed economic revitalisation and international prestige to the area. Critics, however, worry that it sets a dangerous precedent for future developments on protected lands.

Local and Political Reactions

The local community's reaction remains divided. Some residents see an opportunity for growth and new employment. Others fear it will compromise the character and integrity of the countryside. Politically, this issue has become a flashpoint, with Labour defending the need for pragmatic use of land to address housing shortages and urban development while Conservatives, like Morrissey, rally for the preservation of Greenbelt protections.

The Future of Marlow Film Studios

The outcome for Marlow Film Studios hinges on the broader political landscape and public sentiment. Should Labour's plans gain traction and implementation, it could pave the way for the studio but not without significant opposition from various stakeholders who advocate for maintaining the sanctity of Greenbelt land.


The controversy over Marlow Film Studios and the Labour Party’s Greenbelt re-designation underscores a fundamental clash between developmental aspirations and environmental preservation. As debates continue, the future of both the studios and the Greenbelt remains uncertain, reflecting broader challenges in balancing growth with sustainable stewardship of natural landscapes.