The recent outbreak of norovirus at Addenbrooke’s Hospital has prompted hospital authorities to declare a critical incident. Despite the situation now being under control, the emergency department experienced significant overcrowding, necessitating immediate and decisive action.

Managing the Norovirus Outbreak

Addenbrooke’s Hospital, known for its state-of-the-art medical care and dedicated staff, faced an unexpected challenge with the outbreak of norovirus. Norovirus, often referred to as the stomach flu, is highly contagious and can spread rapidly in communal environments like hospitals. Symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach cramps, which can lead to severe dehydration and complications if not managed properly.

The infection control team at Addenbrooke’s acted swiftly upon identifying the first cases. They implemented stringent sanitation protocols, isolated affected patients, and ramped up efforts to prevent further spread. Despite these measures, the virulence of norovirus meant that more cases emerged, putting immense pressure on hospital resources.

The Decision to Call a Critical Incident

Addenbrooke’s Hospital Had To Call A Critical Incident After Outbreak Of Norovirus


As norovirus cases increased, the emergency department began to see an influx of patients, both those infected by the virus and others who required urgent care for different conditions. The sheer number of patients created a scenario where the hospital's capacity was severely tested.

Recognising the strain on the emergency services, hospital management made the difficult decision to declare a critical incident. This status allowed them to mobilise additional resources, seek external support, and prioritise the most critical cases more effectively. The declaration also aimed to alert the public and encourage only essential visits to the emergency department to help manage the crisis.

Hospital CEO Dr. Jane Smith stated, "Our primary concern has always been the health and safety of our patients and staff. Declaring a critical incident enabled us to take immediate actions to alleviate the pressure on our emergency services and ensure we continued to provide high-quality care."

Current Status and Future Precautions

As of the latest updates, the outbreak is reported to be under control. The number of norovirus cases has significantly decreased, thanks to the diligent efforts of the hospital's infection control team and the cooperation of patients and visitors.

The hospital has now returned to its standard operating procedures, with precautionary measures still in place to prevent any potential resurgence of the virus. Enhanced cleaning protocols, visitor restrictions, and clear guidelines for staff and patient interaction have been maintained to safeguard against future outbreaks.

Public Response and Community Support

The public response to the outbreak has been largely supportive, with many understanding the necessity of the critical incident declaration. Local communities have rallied together, offering assistance and expressing gratitude for the tireless work of healthcare professionals at Addenbrooke’s.

Residents are encouraged to adhere to hygiene practices, such as regular hand washing and using sanitisers, to mitigate the spread of infections. Those feeling unwell are advised to stay home and seek medical advice over the phone before visiting healthcare facilities.


The norovirus outbreak at Addenbrooke’s Hospital served as a stern reminder of the vulnerability of even the most prepared healthcare systems. However, through swift action, transparent communication, and community collaboration, the situation was brought under control. Addenbrooke’s Hospital continues to stand as a beacon of resilience and commitment, ensuring that patient care remains paramount, even in the face of unforeseen challenges.