With polling stations set to open tomorrow for the 2024 UK General Election, millions across the country are preparing to cast their votes. Here in Cambridgeshire, a total of 55 candidates are standing across the eight constituencies, each hoping to earn the trust and support of local voters.

Voters' Decision

We Asked Peterborough Voters What Matters To Them This General Election

Source: https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c2v06735nqgo

This election represents a pivotal moment for Britain as it grapples with pressing national issues. However, understanding what specifically concerns our local electorate here in Peterborough is crucial. To that end, we have spoken with voters to discern the key matters influencing their decisions this election season.

Economic Concerns

The economy remains at the forefront of many voters' minds. With inflation impacting everyday living costs and uncertainty surrounding employment opportunities, Peterborough residents are looking for candidates who can offer clear, sustainable economic policies. Local business owner Sarah Thompson told us, "We need representatives who understand the challenges small businesses face and can provide real support."

Healthcare and Social Services

Another dominant issue is the state of healthcare and social services. The NHS remains a treasured institution, but long waiting times and staff shortages have caused frustration among voters. Senior citizen John Davies emphasised, "Accessible, quality healthcare should be a priority. We need more investment in our hospitals, not less."


Educational reform is another hot topic on the minds of Peterborough parents and educators. Many are calling for improved funding for schools and better resources for teachers. Emma Richards, a local teacher, remarked, "Our future depends on how well we educate our children. We need comprehensive strategies to enhance our educational system."

Environmental Issues

Concern for the environment has risen dramatically, with voters increasingly prioritising climate action. From reducing carbon emissions to protecting green spaces, there is a clamor for candidates to present robust environmental policies. University student Mark Hutchinson expressed his concern, saying, "Climate change is the defining issue of our time. We must act now to safeguard our planet for future generations."

Crime and Public Safety

Public safety also remains a critical topic. Rising crime rates and concerns over police funding have prompted calls for more effective law enforcement strategies. Resident Paula Smith highlighted, "Feeling safe in our neighborhoods is essential. We need more police presence and community-driven initiatives."

Community Development

Lastly, community development and infrastructure improvements are significant considerations. Residents want better public transport, upgraded facilities, and initiatives that foster community spirit. Local activist James Walker commented, "Improving our infrastructure will not only make life easier but also bring us closer together as a community."


As the 2024 UK General Election approaches, Peterborough voters are clear about their priorities. The issues they care about—economy, healthcare, education, environment, public safety, and community development—are all reflective of their desire for a better future. It is now up to the candidates to address these concerns convincingly and demonstrate that they are the right choice to represent this vibrant constituency.

As the polls open tomorrow, Peterborough's voice will be heard, and the collective aspirations of its residents will shape the path forward.