In a concerning turn of events, a man was reported to have followed a victim home brandishing a baseball bat in the usually tranquil town of Marlow. Thames Valley Police are urging the public to aid their investigation by coming forward with any information that might assist in identifying and apprehending the suspect.

Details of the Incident

Man Follows Victim Home With Baseball Bat


The unsettling incident took place on the evening of [insert date], leaving residents shocked and on edge. According to initial reports, the victim, whose identity remains confidential, was trailed by an unknown male individual who wielded a baseball bat. This threatening act has understandably caused significant distress within the community.

Police Appeal for Information

In response to the incident, Thames Valley Police have released an image of a person they wish to speak to in connection with the offense. The individual in question is believed to possess vital information that could be instrumental in resolving this case and ensuring the safety of Marlow's residents.

Description of Individual

Based on the image circulated by law enforcement, the suspect is described as [insert description details such as age, height, clothing, etc. if available]. As the investigation progresses, police are calling upon anyone who may recognise the individual or has witnessed any part of the incident to come forward promptly.

Community Reactions

The incident has sparked widespread concern among local inhabitants, many of whom have expressed their fears over the growing need for reinforced security measures. Community leaders are advocating for increased vigilance and cooperation with authorities to prevent future occurrences of similar nature.

Official Statements

A spokesperson for Thames Valley Police stated, "We take incidents involving offensive weapons incredibly seriously and are committed to ensuring the safety and security of all our citizens. We urge anyone with information, no matter how insignificant it may seem, to contact us immediately."

Anyone with pertinent information is encouraged to reach out to Thames Valley Police through their dedicated hotline at [insert contact number] or anonymously via Crimestoppers at [insert Crimestoppers contact details].


As investigations continue, the steadfast support of the public remains crucial. By working together, the community of Marlow and Thames Valley Police can expedite the resolution of this alarming case, reinstating peace and security within the locality.