In a matter of deep concern, Thames Valley Police has launched an urgent appeal for public assistance in locating an elderly woman who has gone missing from Chinnor. The missing woman, aged 86, was last seen yesterday afternoon (10 July), and there are growing fears for her safety.

Details Surrounding the Disappearance

Police Launch Urgent Appeal To Find Missing Woman, 86, From Chinnor


The woman was last spotted near her residence in Chinnor, a village known for its close-knit community and scenic countryside. She is described as having short grey hair, wearing a navy blue cardigan, and brown trousers. Sources within the police department have highlighted that she may be disoriented and in need of medical attention.

Urgency and Community Response

The local authorities are emphasising the urgency of this situation, urging residents and anyone with information to come forward immediately. Superintendent Richard Peters stated, "We are deeply concerned for her welfare given her age and the duration she has been missing. Every minute counts, and we need the public's help to bring her home safely."

How You Can Help

The police have provided a dedicated hotline for tips and information: [insert contact number]. They are also encouraging people to check their gardens, outbuildings, and any potential hiding spots where the woman could seek shelter.

Superintendent Peters added, "Even the smallest piece of information can be crucial. If you think you've seen someone matching her description or have any details that might assist our search, please reach out to us immediately."

Community Solidarity

Chinnor residents have already shown commendable solidarity, forming search parties and sharing information on social media platforms. Local businesses and organisations are also lending their support by distributing flyers and providing refreshments to search volunteers.

As this situation develops, the community remains hopeful for the woman's safe return. Thames Valley Police assure continued updates as they intensify the search efforts.

Contact Information

Anyone with information is urged to contact Thames Valley Police at [insert contact number], quoting reference number [insert reference number]. Alternatively, information can be shared anonymously via the independent charity Crimestoppers on [insert Crimestoppers contact number].