In an alarming development within the realm of cybercrime, a new ransomware scam dubbed "Volcano Demon" has emerged, leaving a trail of terrified victims in its wake. This nefarious scheme not only encrypts crucial data but takes maliciousness to a new level by harassing its victims through menacing phone calls. Authorities and cybersecurity experts are raising urgent warnings about this disturbing trend, urging vigilance and protective measures to ward off potential threats.

Unveiling the 'Volcano Demon' Scam

The 'Volcano Demon' ransomware attack begins like many of its predecessors: a seemingly innocent email or a compromised website download. Once the malicious file is executed, it swiftly encrypts the victim's files, rendering them inaccessible. The usual ransom note follows, demanding payment in cryptocurrency in exchange for the decryption key.

However, what sets 'Volcano Demon' apart from other ransomware is its secondary method of intimidation. Soon after the initial attack, victims receive a series of threatening phone calls from the perpetrators. These calls are intended to instill fear and urgency, pushing the victims to comply with the ransom demands more quickly. The harassing nature of these calls adds an additional layer of psychological torment, distinguishing this scam as particularly cruel and invasive.

The Impact on Victims

Ransomware Attacks Warning Over 'volcano Demon' Scam Where Victims Are Harassed With 'threatening' Calls


For those targeted by the 'Volcano Demon,' the experience can be profoundly distressing. The sudden loss of access to important personal or business data is already a significant blow. The subsequent barrage of threatening calls exacerbates the situation, creating a pervasive sense of fear and helplessness. Victims have reported feeling continuously monitored and harassed, an emotional toll that can be just as damaging as the financial repercussions.

One victim recounted their harrowing ordeal: "I felt like I was constantly being watched and couldn't escape. The calls were relentless, and the fear they incited was paralysing."

Preventive Measures and Responses

To protect against the 'Volcano Demon' and similar ransomware attacks, experts emphasise the importance of adopting robust cybersecurity practices. These include regular backups of critical data, up-to-date antivirus software, and avoiding suspicious emails and links. Awareness and education are also crucial; both individuals and organisations must stay informed about the latest cyber threats and how to counteract them.

If victimised by a ransomware attack, experts advise against paying the ransom, as it does not guarantee data recovery and only fuels further criminal activities. Instead, victims should immediately seek assistance from cybersecurity professionals and inform law enforcement agencies.

Government and Law Enforcement Actions

Governments and law enforcement bodies are taking proactive steps to combat the proliferation of ransomware attacks. Initiatives include public awareness campaigns, tighter regulations on cryptocurrency transactions, and international cooperation to track down and prosecute cybercriminals. These efforts aim to dismantle cybercrime networks and impose severe penalties on those who engage in such illicit activities.

The 'Volcano Demon' scam is a stark reminder of the evolving landscape of cyber threats and the need for ongoing vigilance. By staying informed and adopting comprehensive security measures, we can better protect ourselves and our communities from the malicious intents of cybercriminals.


The emergence of the 'Volcano Demon' ransomware scam marks a new and frightening chapter in cybercrime. With its dual approach of data encryption and psychological harassment, it poses a significant threat to all internet users. It is imperative that we take heed of the warnings from experts and authorities, implementing stringent cybersecurity protocols and remaining vigilant against such malign schemes. As we navigate this digital age, collective awareness and preparedness are our strongest defenses against the faceless adversaries lurking in the cyberspace shadows.